Dr. Michael Prohaska
CEO & Founder the tean
After his scientific career (doctorate in social and economic sciences at the University of Vienna and lectureships at the Vienna University of Technology, Institute for Advanced Studies, etc.) Dr. Michael Prohaska worked in industry. For more than twenty years he worked as a management consultant in various technology projects. In 2017, Dr. Prohaska founded the tean, a technology company focused on the development of artificial intelligence (AI) and digital products, services and business models. In 2021, he founded AI ROCKETS AG to realize new AI-based digital business models (ROCKETS).
Daniel Burkard, MBA
CEO & Member of the Board AI ROCKETS AG
After his professional training (state-certified Betriebswert at FBW Stuttgart and Executive MBA at the University of Salzburg Business School), Daniel Burkard held management positions at internationally active industrial companies for around 16 years from 1996. In 2013, he moved to a management consultancy as Managing Partner. From 2018, he became Managing Director and later Board Member of a private equity company based in Switzerland. Since the foundation of AI ROCKETS AG in 2021, Daniel Burkard has held the role of CEO.

Denise Laube, MA
Communications & Investor Relations

Denise Laube completed a Bachelor of Arts in Entrepreneurship at HS Zittau-Görlitz and a Master of Arts in Digital Media and Communication at FH Burgenland. She has been working in a wide variety of communications-related fields for over five years. She currently acts as Teamlead Communications at the technology company the tean. At AI ROCKETS AG, she is responsible for communications and investor relations.

Werkstrasse 10 | CH-9444 Diepoldsau