group of thoughtful,
committed citizens can
change the world;
indeed, it's the only thing
that ever has.“
Margaret Mead
We call our AI-based digital companies ROCKETS. This term is derived from moonshot thinking from Silicon Valley. It refers to John F. Kennedy's speech in 1962, in which he announced that the USA would put a man on the moon by the end of the 1960s.
This goal seemed almost unattainable at the time: scientists even disagreed on whether a manned moon landing was even possible. As history teaches us, we know that in the end great efforts led to success: In July 1969, the first man walked on the moon.
Many years after the moon landing, Kennedy's ambitious thinking is used as a philosophy, also called moonshot thinking. The idea is to solve challenges with the help of disruptive technologies.
Well-known examples of moonshot thinking are the company SpaceX with enormously low-cost transports into space by means of reusable rockets or Company X (formerly Google X), which founds independent companies from successful innovation projects. One example is the company Waymo (autonomous driving).
We work with moonshot structures. As a venture builder, AI ROCKETS AG finances the development and market establishment of AI-based digital platforms (ROCKETS). As a technology company, the tean carries out the development work.
Our ROCKETS are AI-based digital platforms that emerge from projects or ideas that fit our vision and become independent companies.
1. They solve a complex problem that affects millions of people.
2. They offer a disruptive solution that does not yet exist on the market.
3. They are based on the new technologies of AI and digital platforms.
We do not focus on generative AI (like ChatGPT), but on discriminative and predictive AI.
"The moonshot structure
enables synergies in financing,
technologies and moonshot-oriented
business. This allows us to make
different ROCKETS fly."
Dr. Michael Prohaska

Dr. Michael Prohaska
After his scientific career (doctorate in social and economic sciences at the University of Vienna and lectureships at the Vienna University of Technology, Institute for Advanced Studies, etc.) Dr. Michael Prohaska worked in industry. For more than twenty years he worked as a management consultant in various technology projects. In 2017, Dr. Prohaska founded the tean, a technology company with a focus on AI-based digital business models (ROCKETS). In 2021, he founded AI ROCKETS to finance the development and market establishment of ROCKETS.

Daniel Burkard, MBA
CEO & Member of the Board AI ROCKETS AG

Denise Laube, MA
Communications & Investor Relations
Denise Laube completed a Bachelor of Arts in Entrepreneurship at HS Zittau-Görlitz and a Master of Arts in Digital Media and Communication at FH Burgenland. She has been working in a wide variety of communications-related fields for over five years. She currently acts as Teamlead Communications at the technology company the tean. At AI ROCKETS AG, she is responsible for communications and investor relations.

Birgit Janu, BA
Communications & Investor Relations
Birgit Janu holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Health Management with a major in Business Administration. Since 2013, she has worked as a team assistant and management assistant in various well-known companies. At AI ROCKETS AG and the tean, she acts as a facilitator between the management and the team members and ensures that everything runs smoothly from an organizational perspective.